Empowering children, students and communities for a brighter future.


Virtual Craftbeer Tasting

Together with Top beer Sommelier Sophia Wenzel and Holy Craft we had a delightful craftbeer tasting and collected funds for Düsseldorfer Kindertafel

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Photo with Santa Claus

With our activity at Breuniger in Düsseldorf we were able to make many children happy and generate a donation for the children's eye cancer foundation.

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Wish tree campaign @ CALI EATS

This year we want to fulfill 30 children's wishes with you for the FROSCHKÖNIGE GEGEN KINDERARMUT e.V. . You can find our wall of wishes at Cali Eats, Kaiserswerther Str. 228, 40474 Düsseldorf.


Virtual Wine Tasting

With Top Sommelier Thomas Sommer we brought a lot of fun into the Corona plagued living rooms and supported the Düsseldorfer Kindertafel


Marathon for Parikrma

At this year's Metro Marathon in Düsseldorf we ran for the Parikrma Humanity Foundation. With your donations we can finance the entire school education of a child in Bangalore.


Make a wish @ Altenzentrum St. Hildegard

For the residents of the St. Hildegard retirement home, things we take for granted are no longer possible. That is why we regularly fulfil wishes and accompany the residents personally to their old favourite coffee or have a little pleasure by reading a story aloud.

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One part more for DIE TAFEL

Regularly we collect in the supermarket with our Activity "A part more" for DIE DÜSSELDORFER TAFEL.